Thank you for your interest in St. John's Nursery School! We are currently seeking a full-time Preschool Director.
Preschool Director
Accountable To: The Nursery School Board (NSB) and the Growing in Faith Commission
General Responsibilities/Expectations:
1. Children's Program
assume responsibility for the administration of the daily teaching within the sphere and purpose, goals and philosophy of the program as set forth by the NSB;
arrange for the daily health check and the recording of attendance;
manage admissions and discharges;
provide adequate supervision for any child who is ill or must be removed from a group for any reason;
be responsible for complete safety and welfare of each child from the time he/she enters school until he/she leaves the premises and be responsible for monthly fire drills and drop drills;
work with staff in the evaluation of students in relation to their development;
record any significant incident or experiences with the children and their parents;
provide for substitute teachers as needed;
be responsible for appropriate placement of children and teachers in the program;
evaluate readiness of children for kindergarten.
2. Staff
prepare job description, recruit, and select staff members subject to final approval of the NSB;
interview and observe prospective teachers;
orient new teachers and plan in-service training for the entire staff;
arrange, plan and preside at regular staff meetings;
supervise all teachers as well as volunteers, aides, and visitors to the school;
supervise the administration and clerical duties of the NS secretary;
work with teachers in developing curriculum in keeping with the objectives stated by the NSB;
assist staff in planning individual programs for professional growth and career development;
endeavor to be a resource person for the teachers in their planning, teaching, and parent-child relationships;
prepare staff employee handbook;
prepare salary scale annually.
3. Maintenance
oversee daily stowing of all outside equipment - i.e., wheel toys, paints, etc.;
oversee classroom cleanup at the end of the day by the teachers;
be responsible for the cleaning and inventorying of equipment and supplies each June (indoor and outdoor).
establish and maintain the NS library and other resources;
organize and plan parent workdays.
4. Professional
participate in professional organizations and grow professionally through classes, workshops, lectures, reading and contacts with other levels and areas of education;
update continuously her/himself on current happenings in early childhood education and related areas on local, state and national level (including COVID-19-related guidelines);
communicate and interpret program philosophy and policies to community and represent the program at community and professional functions which benefit the NS and enrich the Director in her/his professional endeavors;
become a member of SCAEYC (or an appropriate profession organization) and CRECEF and attend their meetings and workshops.
5. School-Church Relationships
represent the NS at church meetings when asked;
meet, as needed, with the Director of Children's Ministries to coordinate programs and room use;
confer, as needed, with the church secretary and maintenance personnel;
maintain financial records;
coordinate bi-monthly chapel program with the pastor of St. John's Presbyterian Church.
6. Home-School Relationships
familiarize parents with school policies and procedures;
arrange all parent education meetings and publicize these in consultation with the NSB;
there shall be an initial intake interview when a new student enters the program between the Director and the parent(s). The Director shall also provide for annual parent-teacher conferences or as needed (this may be on an informal basis);
communicate the availability and benefits of church aid and counseling, as well as other community agencies and services, as special needs arise;
be responsible for annual preparation of Parent Information Handbook.
7. NSB Relationships
attend NSB meetings as a non-voting member;
carry out the policies of the school as set for by the NSB for the total NS program;
prepare annual budget for NS program.
The position is full-time. Salary is commensurate with experience and training.
Basis of Selection: The Director of the NS should be a mature Christian person, preferably a Presbyterian, with a B.A. in Early Childhood Education or related field, and a demonstrated ability in working with nursery school-age children and their parents in a program of Christian nurture. She/he must meet all State requirements for the Nursery School Director. She/he should have educational training in the following fields: human growth and development, nursery program and administration, and first aid. If necessary, some of this training may be completed while in service.
Method of Selection: The method of selection should be as determined by Session.
Termination of Service: The Director can be asked to withdraw from regular employment with reasonable cause as set forth by the NSB with the approval of Session. Thirty days notice is required by either party to terminate employment.
If interested, please contact